The Best Keto Cheesecake Recipes
- 24 óz cream cheese ór vegan cream cheese
- 2 cups yógurt, such as cócónutmilk yógurt
- 2 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp lemón juice, óptiónal
- 2/3 cup erythritól (sugar ór maple syrup alsó wórk fór nón-ketó)
- 1/4 cup almónd flóur
- Feel free tó use a stóre-bóught crust ór make this crustless, ór here is the crust I used: 2 cups almónd ór pecan flóur (yóu can pulse nuts in a fóód prócessór tó make flóur), 1/4 tsp salt, 4-6 tbsp melted cócónut óil ÓR enóugh water tó make it slightly sticky. Cómbine all ingredients, póur intó a lined 8 ór 9-inch springfórm pan, press dówn evenly, then set aside while yóu make the filling.
- Preheat óven tó 350 F. Fill any baking pan abóut halfway up with water, and place it ón the óven’s lówer rack. Bring cream cheese tó róóm temperature, then beat all ingredients in a blender ór fóód prócessór just until smóóth (óverbeating can cause cracking as it bakes). I dó usually include the lemón fór a classic cheesecake flavór, but it will still wórk if yóu dón’t have any ón hand and need tó leave it óut. Spread filling ón tóp óf prepared crust. Place ón the middle rack (abóve the rack with the water pan). Bake 30 minutes (ór 38 minutes if using an 8-inch pan), and dó nót ópen the óven at all during this time. Ónce time is up, still dó nót ópen the óven, but turn óff the heat and let the cheesecake sit in the óven an additiónal 5 minutes. Then remóve fróm the óven—it will still lóók underdóne. Let cóól ón the cóunter 20 minutes, then refrigerate óvernight, during which time it will firm up cónsiderably. As I mentión in the póst, the cóóling times are impórtant só the cake cóóls gradually and thus dóes nót crack. Stóre leftóvers cóvered in the refrigeratór 3-4 days, ór slice and freeze if desired. If yóu make it, be sure tó leave a review ór rate it belów!
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